Hey everyone, sorry that the content has been light the past few weeks. As I’m sure you know Hurricane Sandy was a storm of epic proportions. What you might not know is that my family and I live right on the coast of NYC. We were hit very hard by the storm and suffered terrible losses. The entire first floor of my family’s house was under a little over 5 feet of water and we have lost almost everything we own. Especially difficult has been the fact that my mother’s business has been completely destroyed. Also, we lost a number of rescued animals when the water came up. It’s been a difficult few weeks and while things are getting a little better everyday we have a long road ahead of us. I’ve just had power restored in the past few days but still am without heat and hot water. My mother has running water and that’s it (no power, no gas, no heat or hot water).
Unfortunately this means that the content will probably stay light for a little while longer. I’ll try to get some quick blog posts up when I can.
In the meantime here are a few updates for you:
I’ve recently had two new articles published on BodyBuilding.com that can be read at the links below. I’m also waiting on my first in-print article with Men’s Fitness due out in the December issue. That should be hitting the stands in the next few days so check it out.
Strongman Made Simple: Strongman Training in an Average Gym
Also, I officially have 4 World and 4 National Records with the 100% Raw Powerlifting Federation. Pretty cool. They’ve also updated the Men’s 2012 Rankings and I’m proud to say that I’m ranked #2 for my total and within the top 3 for my squat and deadlift.
I hope you are all doing well. Drop some comments below.