As most of you probably know by now, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. If you didn’t know, I can’t imagine how you could not have noticed that everything seems to turn pink in October. Even the NFL goes pink!
Some of the regular Train Better Fitness blog readers will also recall that not too long ago I posted saying that I would make a donation from every sale made on this site.
In case you don’t feel like reading that link, here’s the gist of it: You may have noticed there is a products tab up at the top of the page. Well, I promote the sale of a number of fitness products on this site, all of which I own and use myself and with my clients. In doing so, I earn a small fee on any sale made through the links on the Train Better Fitness site.
The point: I donate a percentage of the commission I make on ALL products to charity. In honor of October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month I will donate a portion of the sales made here to Breast Cancer research. That’s right. A portion of any sale on the e-books to your right or on the products page, any Fitness anywhere or TRX Products and Ultimate Sandbags is going to be donated.
In addition, I am extending this to my Online Personal Training service. I am going to donate a portion of all Online Personal Training Programs for this month as well.
I want to thank everyone for their continued support here, of me and of the site.
Yours in health,