Newsletter, Powerlifting and Ultimate Forearm Training

by Chris on June 17, 2010

I’ve been away the past few days and wasn’t able to put any posts up but there is a lot of new stuff going on.

First and foremost, the Train Better Fitness newsletter has been started, so check out the box to the right or go here to sign up:

Train Better Fitness Newsletter Signup

Moving on, I was recently mentioned in a post on The post was the writeup from the Orange County Powerlifting Championships by USAPLNY State Chairman Dale Hammond. My lift videos were also featured in the post. You can read that here:

Powerlifting Watch: OC USAPL Championship Writeup

Last but most certainly not least, my friend and World Record holding grip athlete Jedd Johnson has officially released his new training manual Ultimate Forearm Training for Baseball. This is an awesome product that is jammed with great grip training information. If you play baseball or training baseball players, I highly suggest picking it up. I will do a more thorough review of it soon, but for now I can tell you that the main manual alone is over 400+ pages of great grip training info. Tons of exercises and programming advice along with sport-specific training ideas from a world class grip master.

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