How To Make Your Own Tire Dragging Sled

August 26, 2010

Coach Jerry Shreck from over at recently posted a great video showing you how to make your own Tire Dragging Sled. Sled dragging is a great method of conditioning and is very versatile. Here Coach Shreck shows you how to make a sled for around $7, instead of spending more than $100 on sleds […]

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Keeping A Food Journal: A Secret Weapon In Reaching Your Goals

August 12, 2010

For many people the most difficult part of a fitness lifestyle is eating well. Lots of people set goals that include some form of body composition change, and a big part of achieving that change is eating right. Whether you are trying to build muscle or burn fat, what you eat has a tremendous impact […]

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4 Reasons Why You’re Not Building Muscle

July 27, 2010

There are a lot of people out there who never see the results they want from exercise. Lots of guys head into the gym and never get any bigger or stronger and can never figure out why. So here are some of the most common reasons why you may not have gained as much muscle […]

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TRX 10/10/10 Challenge

July 23, 2010

Here is a cool video I saw over at Fitness Anywhere. I’m a big fan of the TRX Suspension Trainer and I use it almost every day with my clients or in my own training. The 10/10/10 Challenge is the creation of TRX Master Trainer Jonathan Ross. To do the 10/10/10 Challenge, you set up […]

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Tips For Your First Raw Powerlifting Meet: Article on Elite FTS

July 23, 2010

Just wanted to drop a post here and let everyone know that an article of mine was just published on Elite Fitness Systems. The article includes lots of tips and advice on preparing for your first raw powerlifting meet. You can check it out here:

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3 New Exercises from Josh Henkin

July 20, 2010

I’ve been doing a lot of work with the Ultimate Sandbag System lately. Josh Henkin continues to put out great information. He has a strong emphasis on athletic movements and rotational power, something that a lot of coaches often leave out. Here is a video from Josh’s blog over at Henkin Fitness Systems showing 3 […]

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TRX/Kettlebell Iron Circuit Conditioning DVD Release

July 20, 2010

I know a lot of you guys out there are regular Kettlebell and TRX users and I just wanted to let everyone know (if you haven’t heard already) that Fitness Anywhere, the makers of the TRX Suspension Trainer, just released a new DVD using the TRX and Kettlebells together. The DVD includes: Comprehensive TRX Set-up […]

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So You Want To Be Strong: Strongman Training from Tim Hull

July 19, 2010

*Below is a guest post from my friend Tim Hull. Some of you may know Tim as the Strength Doctor. Tim has recently been training for his first strongman competition and shares some of his experiences and training tips with us in this article. It’s an excellent writeup, so check it out.* Whether if you […]

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Strength Training 101 from Josh Hanagarne

July 10, 2010

My friend Josh Hanagarne has a post over his site World’s Strongest Librarian about his own journey and experiences with strength training. It’s a great writeup that I think really reflects an evolution that pretty much everyone goes through with respect to training. Check it out here: Strength Training 101 P.S. Josh also recently launched […]

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Resistance Training Improves Flexibility As Well As Static Stretching

July 10, 2010

The issue of stretching has been raging for years in the world of health and fitness. Do you need to stretch? If so how long? What about dynamic mobility drills? Does stretching making you weaker (yes)? There are so many facets of this debate that it can make your head spin. Both sides have excellent […]

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