Three Innovative Sandbag Exercises

July 1, 2010

I recently picked up a couple of Sandbags from Josh Henkin’s Ultimate Sandbag Training System (review to follow soon!) Josh puts out some great info. Here is a video showing three innovative exercises that can be done with the Ultimate Sandbag (or other instruments with a little modification). All three of the exercises place a […]

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Interviewed by Mike T. Nelson of Extreme Human Performance

June 30, 2010

Hey guys I just wanted to let everyone know that I was recently interviewed by Mike T. Nelson on his website Extreme Human Performance. In the interview we talk a lot about my recent powerlifting meet and the training methods I used to set 2 NY State Records. Check it out here: Building Strength and […]

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Review: Ultimate Forearm Training for Baseball

June 19, 2010

There are a lot of aspects to training athletes that are often overlooked. In the best case scenario the athlete can slip by without a noticeable detriment to performance, an overlooked aspect of training usually results in decline in performance or in a worse case, injury. Jedd Johnson is a world authority on grip strength. […]

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Unilateral Training for Athletes

June 19, 2010

There was a great post the other day on Diesel Crew about an essential component of lower body training for athletes. Unilateral training is something that most people leave out of their fitness program, especially when it comes to lower body movements. This type of training can be vital, however, not only for strength but […]

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Newsletter, Powerlifting and Ultimate Forearm Training

June 17, 2010

I’ve been away the past few days and wasn’t able to put any posts up but there is a lot of new stuff going on. First and foremost, the Train Better Fitness newsletter has been started, so check out the box to the right or go here to sign up: Train Better Fitness Newsletter Signup […]

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First Powerlifting Meet

June 8, 2010

Up until recently, I never really had any interest in competitive lifting. Sure, I’ve always lifted heavy in training, and have always lifted with strength as my primary goal, but never really with an intent on competing. It wasn’t until fairly recently after a few people suggested to me in passing that I enter a […]

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Soy: Don’t Believe the Hype

May 22, 2010

I’m sure we can all remember when soy was considered a nutritional miracle. Soy was everywhere because we were told that it was so good for us. To a lesser extent (thankfully I suppose) that idea still remains. Soy has since fallen from nutritional grace and everyday more evidence comes out suggesting that it is […]

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Are You World War II Fit?

May 1, 2010

I read an interesting article recently in the NSCA’s Tactical Strength and Conditioning Report. The article, from the April 2010 report was titled simply: “Are you fit the fight in World War II?” To give you the short version, basically the article looks at the differences between the U.S. Army’s Physical Readiness Training doctrine from […]

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Grip n Rip 2.0 Review

April 11, 2010

I was really disappointed that I couldn’t make it to the Grip n Rip workshop in February, so I was pretty excited to hear that the workshop was going to be made into a DVD. It’s first release had only 100 copies, and I made sure I got one of the first copies. As soon […]

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Interview with Coach Joe Hashey of Synergy Athletics

April 8, 2010

Recently I was given the privilege to interview Joe Hashey, a great strength and conditioning coach and owner of Synergy Athletics. Joe has produced some great results in his athletes and its an honor to have been given the chance to talk with him. Can you give us a little background info about yourself? First […]

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