Minor Changes to Come

March 29, 2010

Hey everyone I just wanted to let you know that the Train Better Fitness site will be undergoing some minor maintenance this week, so if you have any trouble with the site, please be patient. For any major difficulties, please use the contact form on our Contact page to let us know. – Chris -

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Princeton University Study: High Fructose Corn Syrup Prompts Weight Gain

March 25, 2010

Here is a study conducted by Princeton University researchers that I recently read. The study investigated the impacts of both high fructose corn syrup and basic sugar (sucrose) on weight gain in rats. The short version is that even when the calories were equal, those subjects that had access to the high fructose corn syrup […]

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One Arm Pullup

March 20, 2010

So I set a bunch of goals for 2010, one of which was to be able to do a one armed pullup, and the other day I managed to get it. This is something I have been directly training for for a few months and I’m very glad that I got it done. The only […]

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Interview with Jedd Johnson

March 14, 2010

I was recently lucky enough to interview Jedd Johnson from the Diesel Crew. Jedd is an outstanding strength coach and athlete. Not too long ago he broke the world record in the two-hands pinch lift. It’s an honor to be able to feature him here. For those who may not know you, can you give […]

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Be Your Own Guinea Pig

March 7, 2010

Too many people out there spend too much time searching for the perfect training program; far too many trainers and coaches out there claim to have the perfect training program. I’m going to let you in on a huge training secret: There is no perfect program. That’s right. Stop searching for the “best” program out […]

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An Interview with Mike The Machine Bruce

February 18, 2010

Recently, I had the great opportunity to interview Mike “the Machine” Bruce. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Mike, rest assured his nickname is well earned. Check out this interview, stop by Mike’s site and be sure to leave some comments! Hi Mike. Thanks for doing this interview. It’s a privilege to have […]

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Guest Post on DieselCrew.com – Homemade Thick Grips

February 16, 2010

Just wanted to let everyone out there know that I recently wrote a guest post for the guys over at Diesel Crew about making your own Rotating Thick Grips. Stop by, check out the post and leave some comments! You can view the post here: How to Make Homemade Rotating Thick Grips

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Bull Strength Conditioning Review

February 13, 2010

Conditioning is often an overlooked part of fitness programming. Let’s face it, most guys just want to go into the gym and lift weights. They don’t care about their state of conditioning, and if they do the most they’ll do is some “cardio” by sitting on a stationary bike wasting twenty minutes by doing minimal […]

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Fight Training Gurus on the Net – Guest Post by Kira Clarke the Fight Geek

February 8, 2010

Here is a great guest post by a friend of mine Kira (aka the Fight Geek). For those of you who may not know Kira, he has an awesome site that is updated all the time with quality content on MMA training. Definitely read this post, download his comic and absolutely be sure to stop […]

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Get With the Program (The Importance of Having a Plan)

February 6, 2010

Pretty much everyone has heard the saying “Fail to plan and plan to fail”. Why then do so many people approach their health with no plan whatsoever? I hear people all the time complain about seeing no (or minimal) results from their training, but when asked what their program looks like they either roll of […]

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