Week In Review – 6-18-11

by Chris on June 18, 2011

I want to start off this week’s review with a special thanks to all the people who supported the Strongman Contest I put on in NYC this past Sunday. Expect a full writeup in the near future about that. It went great and everyone who competed did excellent and should be proud. With that said, here are some cool health and fitness articles I found this week.

Mark Sisson talked about 10 foods he couldn’t live without.

Jamie Lewis at Chaos & Pain looks at the reverse grip incline bench press. This article makes me want to try them out more often.

Mike Robertson raises awareness of training A.D.D.

Joe Hashey posted a video of Aztec Pushups, one of the most difficult pushup variations out there.

Smitty at Diesel S&C talks about the Livestrong Fitness Challenge and has a video of a full workout that lasts only 15 minutes from warm-up to end. Watching Smitty roll through a warm-up in about 3 minutes was impressive.

David Dellanave pulling 600+ pounds on the Jefferson deadlift.

An article by John Gaglione about eccentric training for athletes on EFS.

Cool complex from Josh Henkin. Josh remains, in my opinion, one of the best and most creative strength coaches out there.

Martin at Lean Gains attacks myths surrounding late night eating.

Mike Bruce hits a human flag. This man never ceases to impress me.

A cool article by Mike Boyle on T-Nation discussing a few single leg exercises. I have been doing a lot more unilateral lower body work lately and this article gave me some inspiration.

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